Hi bunny parents! Curious about your bunny's feelings? Let's decode their body language to understand their love signals.
💖 Bunny is Circling Your Feet
If your bunny happily zooms in circles around your feet, consider it an expression of affection.
💖 Chinning
With scent glands under their chin, buns mark objects and people to claim them. If your bunny "chins" you or gently bumps you with its nose, take it as a compliment – they're declaring you as part of their territory.
💖 Grooming You
Grooming is a sign of acceptance and familial connection. If your rabbit licks or grooms you, they're expressing that you're a cherished part of their circle.
💖 Flopping Down Close to You
When a bunny flops down close to you, it signifies relaxation and enjoyment in your presence. It's a clear indicator that your bunny feels not just content but genuinely happy around you.
💖 Binkies
Witnessing your bunny perform a binkie, a joyful leap, is an unmistakable expression of happiness. It's a dance of sheer joy that rabbits display when they are truly content.
💖 Sitting On Your Lap
The ultimate display of trust, if your bun willingly sits on your lap, especially while grooming or licking you, it's a powerful sign that you've earned their love and trust.
💖 Coming Over For Pets
Your bunny might not feel comfortable sitting on your lap, but if they approach you for gentle attention, it's a polite and positive gesture. Keep treats handy to reinforce the positive association.
💖 Purring When You Pet Them
Yes, rabbits purr! While the sound is different from a cat's purr, it signifies happiness and contentment. If your bunny purrs when you pet them, it's a clear indication that they not only enjoy your company but also love being petted by you.
Express Your L💖ve to Bunnies in Style!
Add a touch of charm to your wardrobe with our Bunny Love T-shirt collection.